W.B. Dodds Ltd

Perthshire's Local Builder

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W. B. Dodds Ltd.

On the premises we have an office and reception which is open from 9.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. We also have a machine shop and a fully equipped workshop for all types of woodworking and manufacturing along with a large store for all the assorted timbers and common building materials we stock.

The Team

The firm employs 10 men from the local area. Our staff turnover is very low, as we like to think that everyone is part of the team. We have a close involvement with the Construction Industry Training Board (C.I.T.B.) and generally look to take on at least one new trainee every year. We actively encourage in house training and believe this to be the best way to introduce people into the industry.

Our Pedigree

We are also corporate members of the Scottish Building Federation (S.B.F.) with Mr. David Taylor being the current President and committee member of the Perth branch. The federation itself was established in 1895 and has a representation on a great many bodies connected with the building industry. These include: - N.H.B.C.(Scotland). Scottish Construction Industry Group Building Standards Advisory Committee, Scottish Building Contract Committee.